Interjumbo Service Srl offers the best service of delivery and logistics, by air and by sea. Furthermore, the company is specialised in overland freight at national and international level. It owns AEO-F certification (autohorised economic operator) of “full” type, which includes both the part of making safe the merchandise and the parte related to customs compliance.
It is strategically sited in the Province of Como, between two main Italian freight corridors, which connect the European eastern and western border; as well as midpoint between Mediterranean States and Northern Europe Nations.
The company is near two of the principal Italian airports of Milano Malpensa and Linate, as well as next to the main seaports of Genova and La Spezia. This allows the company to rapidly gather and deliver the shippings, sorting them in the best way (mainly, but not only, between these hubs).

For Interjumbo Service Srl it is important to be close to the needs of the customers even before the delivery of the merchandise: a team composed by qualified personnel, expert in compliance, makes available its own experience to support the client through a service of technical and customs assistance (before the shipment) in order to facilitate a correct and complete documentary emission and to ensure a prompt and secure forwarding of the entrusted things.
The delivery information are immediately communicated both to the export office of the sender and to broker appointed for the customs clearance at destination and, obviously, to the addressee according to what agreed with the client. Perfectly conscious of the importance of the constant update about the state of delivery of the shipment, for its clients, Interjumbo Service Srl keeps constantly monitored every passage of the chain of forwarding, ensuring the appropriate carrying out.



Interjumbo Service Srl is leader in the management of shipping by airplane. The company supplies daily connections with …



The company Interjumbo Service Srl offers its own support in ship deliveries. It deals with …



Interjumbo Service Srl deals wih the logistics of your shipments, organizing them in the best way …



The service of transport by land of Interjumbo Service Srl allows safe and fast deliveries of the merchandise on avant garde vehicles…



Safety and risk evaluation are on the basis of the transport management of Interjumbo Service Srl, which takes care of ensuring …



Interjumbo Service Srl, through the solid cooperation with specialised customs declarants, manages the customs clearance of the wares entrusted …